Monday, September 30, 2013

Momma Fran: "Together we rise alone we fall"

You know i love telling any and all. About our common struggles with sickle cell and i really want to save all of the next gen of kids with the illness from having to endure some of the things those whom are in there 30s and higher. But i need for us as a whole to not fear anything. "Together we rise Alone we fall" how do you think those with breast cancer get so much support they stick together and are never ashamed to talk about it. That one person you can be telling your struggle to can listen to you and years later be the one to find a cure so tell your story and know that there are people out there whom will listen and never doubt your struggle people are always shocked to hear the hell I've been through and still have a smile on my face it hope and courage we all have brave hearts we wouldn't be here if we didn't. And those who judge let em cuz it only out of. Ignorance and fear