Thursday, May 10, 2012

From Island to Village

Before the creation of Sick Cells, living and working daily with a chronic illness felt like being shipwrecked on a deserted island. Each time there was an episode of pain or a crisis, came the need for a short physiology lesson as to why Marqus was suffering.  

A person with a more familiar disease just has to give a one word title, and the message is received. Sickle Cell Anemia is still an Island. It stays alone in stereotypes and is still burdened with "Oh, I've heard of that, but I didn't know it did all that."  

The documentary is slowly but surely expanding our Village. The disease needs the help of the world! My daughter, Ashley, is doing her Master's thesis about Sickle Cell Disease, and is our international link.

Social isolation keeps you on that island. Please join our discussion and help us create the Village that needs to grow into a city and flow into the world. 

Release that hidden pain and suffering! Shout out! Use the Social Media links and comments and talk to us! 

We are spreading and with this mission there will no longer be castaways!!! 

Thank you for listening!
