Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Please listen

Fw: from fran
Sunday, October 4, 2009 1:02 PM
Date: Sunday, October 4, 2009, 12:58 PM
Hi everyone!I haven't talked about this for a while but we are trying to complete a documentary on Marqus' life with Sickle Cell Anemia!Something we talk about all the time is the negative image this disease has due to the extreme pain associated with it.Some folks do not have the family , faith or friend support needed to survive this. Also some do not have the TOUGH love needed to prevent drug abuse!Marqus has both.Let me warn those entering the young adult world Managing this disease to stay alive is more than pain meds. Each time Sickle Cells block your circulation you are at risk of that body part DYING!!!YES THATS RIGHT lack of circulation to any body part will cause tissue and cellular DEATH!!!!ITS NOT just about the pain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Marqus has struggled to stay alive.He was stupid and 18yrs old once !!!The hardest thing I ever had to do in my life was to say to him this"We have worked so hard to help maintain life and quality of life do you want to take yourself out with stupid teenage behavior drinking smoking misuse of pain meds???OR do you want to live and continue to make it?I offered to buy him a casket at cosco (yes they sell them) and drop him from my blue cross and blue shield.In our household you can call yourself a man when you take responsibility for your actions." Marqus talked to his doctors and had so many folks to aologize to.
ITS NOT JUST ABOUT THE PERSON WITH THE ILLNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!I reminded Marqus a long time ago that many many folks would cry over his grave.I am writing this today because Marqus told me about a kid that misused his pain meds.It has an effect on everyone with this illness when the actions of one are out of step.All folks can think about is how these kids are drug addicts.When we were at U of I several yrs ago he could not use a PCA because someone stole one.Now I hear that someone has again manipulated a PCA !!These drugs are dangerous when not used in the proper fashion.
Health care staff can lose their jobs if these meds are adminstered incorrectly.Sickle cell patients need support to cope .No matter what the illness is its still suffering and all that goes along with it Loneliness ,depression ,social isolation ,fear and the list goes on.Its beyond a full time job to manage this.Chasing dreams that may or may not happen and the sadness of loved ones always hoping the dreams will be fulfilled.You know whats hard hoping I never get a call at work saying "Im sorry Ms Valentine we did everything we could" !!!! We walk on faith every day!!!!!LISTEN to me we have suffered and it will not be in vain.This illness must have a VOICE!!!!Please pass this along and support our efforts its time.
Our society is plauged with drug abuse .SICKLE CELL patients have to fight to get the relief from pain they need and struggle to keep there body from dying!!!!!!!! All while breaking down sterotypes. This disease needs a face ,a voice ,national attention thats why the film.Pass this along to everyone you know .Lastly teens with this illness ask for help do not suffer in silence you can see a sunrise you can go to college you can live. Drowning yourself in over use of drugs will not help !!!!!!!!!!IT WILL KILL YOU.


  1. WONDERFUL blog, Fran! I'll be following with interest!

  2. Thank You so much! I will keep them coming please pass them along.
